How to order, pay and get your reading
1. Choose the numbers of cards
Please choose the number of cards you like me to use for your reading. Click on an image to get more information about a specific type of Reading.
More cards will take more time but with more cards I can cover more aspects of your question. For a simple question you may be fine with a 3 Cards Reading. If your question is more critical then a spread with more cards might be a better choice. And if you like to get a really comprehensive all-round view of your question then you may even let me do a 10-12 Cards Reading. In principle I can work on every question with any number of cards.
It’s the depth and breadth of the answers which is the difference.
2. Do the payment
Go to the Checkout and do the payment. At this moment only paying with Paypal is possible.
3. Send me the question for your reading
After the payment I will send you an email asking you to submit you the following information:
- Your question(s): I suggest not to ask pure Yes/No questions, because the answer you’re asking for is “Yes” or “No”, which is not very helpful usually. I strongly suggest asking open-ended questions. See some sample questions.
- Background information: I need some background information to work with. The more I know about your situation, the better I can connect with you and provide more meaningful answers.
4. We will agree on the definitive question
In the case that I feel I need to rephrase your question, I will contact you by email to have you confirm the definitive wording of your question.
5. I will email you the detailed reading document
The document will contain your definitive question, nice pictures of the cards and the spread I’ve chosen for you, my intuitive thoughts directly after I drew the cards, my answers and suggestions.
Note: I usually create a specific spread for each reading.
If you still have questions, please check the FAQ page.